
Marlene, Vendor

A highly intelligent, mature, capable and personable professional real estate officer

San Arora took the lead role in ensuring the very satisfactory sale of the block of land, situated at 173 William Street Beverley recently. This land had been in the possession of the one family for over five generations and San recognised early in our negotiations with the family, that the sale of this land was quite emotional, given it was part of my late mother’s estate. Difficulties with the Charles Sturt Council were handled with aplomb by San and he dealt with the frustrations I felt at times thinking we would never get to the point of settlement. However, San was assiduous in keeping me informed very regularly on the progress of our expected settlement, and was totally honest with all that transpired with the Council. I am aware also, of the very professional and helpful relationship he had with the purchaser, who, over time offered a further payment to us on top of the agreed sale price, for the delays we experienced in getting a final settlement. It is not always that purchaser and vendor would both be feeling so positive about the ultimate settlement but in this case, that was the outcome. I commend San highly for the way he handled the whole exercise of the sale of this block of land and would recommend him to any person of business wishing to purchase or sell real estate. It has been an absolute delight to have met and carried out business with San. His friendship is treasured, and I speak on behalf of all my family when I say this. I wish him every success in his business ventures in the future and I know he does have a great future.

Marlene, Vendor