
Lot 291/6 Kelly Road – Valley View SA 5093

Lot 291/6 Kelly Road – Valley View SA 5093

your dreams come to life

Lot 291,
6 Kelly Road
Valley View

Land Size: 240 m2

4 Bed

2 Bath

2 Car

Designing Your Dream.
Creating Our Vision.



interior designer // owner

Jackson Miller

I believe that every design is personal. The connection we have with clients determines how the projects will look at the end of the design process. We must understand the clients and bond with them, be a part of their dream. Their dream is our dream.

Rene Walker


Molly Dunn


James Dixon


changing the
future together

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Our Projects

thinking outside
the box is our motto

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1. Strategic planning

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2. 360 solutions

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3 . vision creation

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“Your Home Should Tell The Story Of Who You Are And Be A Collection Of What You Love”
